【CS182】Final Review
CS182 Final Review
Overview to Superviced Learninng
Statistical Decision Theory
- Squared error loss: $L(Y, f(X)) = (Y-f(X))^2$
- Expected Prediction Error (EPE): $EPE(f) = E(Y-f(X))^2 = \int(Y-f(x))^2Pr(dx, dy)$
- Noticed that $Pr(dx, dy) = Pr(Y|X)Pr(X)$ , we have $EPE(f) = E_XE_Y([Y-f(x)]^2 | X)$
Local Methods in High Dimensions
Curse of Dimensionality (维度的诅咒)
- Local neighborhoods become increasingly global, as the number of dimension increases
- In high dimensions, all samples are close to the edge of the sample
- Samples sparsely populate the input space
The Bias-Variance Decomposition:
Deterministic Case: $\text{MSE}(x_0) = \text{Var}(\hat{y_0})+\text{Bias}^2(\hat{y_0})$
$\begin{aligned}\text{MSE}(x_0) &= E[f(x_0)-\hat{y}_0]^2\
&= E[\hat{y}_0 - E(\hat{y}_0)+E(\hat{y}_0)-f(x_0)]^2\
&= E\big[(\hat{y}_0-E(\hat{y}_0))^2 + 2(\hat{y}_0-E(\hat{y}_0))(E(\hat{y}_0)-f(x_0))+(E(\hat{y}_0)-f(x_0))^2\big]\
\end{aligned}$Non-deterministic Case
\begin{aligned}\text{EPE}(x_0) &= \text{MSE}(x_0)+\sigma^2\
&= \text{Var}(\hat{y}_0)+\text{Bias}^2(\hat y_0)+\sigma^2\end{aligned}
Linear Regression
Simple-Multiple Linear Regression
For $\hat{\mathbf{y}} = \mathbf{X}\beta$, Minimize $\text{RSS}(\beta) = (\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\beta)^T(\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\beta)$
- $\displaystyle\frac{\partial\text{RSS}}{\partial\beta} = -2\mathbf{X}^T(\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\beta) = 0 \Rightarrow \mathbf{X}^T(\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\beta) = 0$
So we have $\hat\beta = (\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{X})^{-1}\mathbf{X}^T\mathbf{y}$
Gauss-Markov Theorem
The least squares estimator has the lowest sampling variance within the class of linear unbiased estimators.
Ridge Regression
对 Regression Coefficients 进行收缩(Shrink):
\hat{\beta}^{\text{ridge}} = \text{argmin}\beta
\left\lbrace\sum{i=1}^N(y_i-\beta_0-\sum_{j=1}^p x_{ij}\beta_j)^2 + \lambda\sum_{j=1}^p\beta_j^2\right\rbrace
\argmin_\beta\sum_{i=1}^N\left(y_i-\beta_0-\sum_{i=1}^px_{ij}\beta_j\right)^2\quad\text{subject to }\sum_{j=1}^p\beta_j\leq t
求导令之为 0,得到: $\beta^{\text{ridge}} = (\mathbf X^T\mathbf X + \lambda\mathbf{I}_p)^{-1}\mathbf X^T\mathbf y$
The Lasso
岭回归的 L2-Loss $\displaystyle ||\beta||2 = \sum{j=1}^p|\beta_j|^2$ 变为 L1-Loss $\displaystyle||\beta||1 = \sum{j=1}^p |\beta_j|$
Linear Classification
Linear regression of an indicator matrix
Categorical output variable $𝐺$ with values from $\mathcal G = \lbrace1, … ,𝐾\rbrace$ .
The zero-one loss $L(k, l) = \begin{cases}1,&k\neq l\0,&k=l\end{cases}$
EPE with $Pr(G, X)$: $\text{EPE} = E[L(G,\hat G(X))]$
Pointwise minimize leads to:
\hat G(x) = \argmin_{k\in\mathcal G}\sum_{l=1}^KL(K,l)Pr(G=l|X=x) = \argmax_{k\in\mathcal G}Pr(G=k|X=x)
Basic Idea
Model the posterior $Pr(G=k|X=x)$ based on Bayes Theorem
The Posterior:
Pr(G=k|X=x) = \frac{Pr(X=x|G=k)Pr(G=k)}{Pr(X=x)}=\frac{Pr(X=x|G=k)Pr(G=k)}{\sum_{l=1}^K Pr(X=x|G=l)Pr(G=l)}
其中, $G=k$ 时候 $X$ 的密度为 $f_k(x) = Pr(X=x|G=k)$,而先验有 $\pi_k = Pr(G=k)$
Pr(G=k|X=x)=\frac{f_k(x)\pi_k}{\sum_{l=1}^K f_l(x)\pi_l}
****It produces LDA, QDA (quadratic DA), MDA (mixture DA), kernel DA and naive Bayes, under various assumptions on $f_k(x)$
LDA: Linear Discriminant Analysis
Assumptions in LDA
Model each class density as Multivariate Gaussian
$$Assume the classes share a common covariance $\Sigma_k = \Sigma, \forall k$
Compare two classes $k$ and $l$
\begin{aligned}\log\frac{Pr(G=k|X=x)}{Pr(G=l|X=x)} &= \log\frac{f_k(x)}{f_l(x)}+\log\frac{\pi_k}{\pi_l}\
QDA: Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
Assume that each class has a specific covariance $\Sigma_k$
Discriminant Functions:
Probability and Estimator
MLE: Maximum Likelihood Estimate
Choose $\theta$ that maximizes probability of observed data $\mathcal D$
\hat{\theta} = \argmax_\theta P(\mathcal D|\theta)
MAP: Maximum a Posterior
Choose $\theta$ that is most probable given prior probability and the data
\hat{\theta} &= \argmax_\theta P(\theta|\mathcal D)\
&= \argmax_\theta \frac{P(\mathcal D|\theta)P(\theta)}{P(\mathcal D)}
Naive Bayes
- Train Naive Bayes:
- for each value $y_k$
- estimate $\pi_k \equiv P(Y=y_k)$
- for each value $x_{ij}$ of each attribute $X_i$
- estimate $\theta_{ijk}\equiv P(X_i = x_{ij}|Y=y_k)$
- for each value $y_k$
- Classify
- $Y^{\text{new}} \leftarrow \argmax_{y_k}P(Y=y_k)\prod_iP(X_i^{\text{new}}|Y=y_k)$
- $Y^{\text{new}}\leftarrow \argmax_{y_k} \pi_k\prod_i\theta_{ijk}$
Estimate Parameters
Continuous $X_i$ (Gaussian Naive Bayes)
Kernel Method & SVM
The online Learning Model: Perceptron
- Set $t=1$, start with all zero vector $w_1$
- Given example 𝑥, predict positive iff $w_t\cdot x\geq 0$
- On a mistake, update:
- Mistake on positive, then update $w_{t+1}\leftarrow w_t+x$
- Mistake on negative, then update $w_{t+1}\leftarrow w_t-x$
- Note: $w_t = a_{i1}x_{i1}+\cdots + a_{ik}x_{ik}$
Geometric Margin
- Definition: The margin of example $𝑥$ w.r.t. a linear sep. $𝑤$ is the distance from $𝑥$ to the plane $w\cdot x=0$
- The margin $\gamma_w$ of a set of examples $𝑆$ w.r.t. a linear separator $𝑤$ is the smallest margin over points $𝑥∈𝑆$.
- The margin $\gamma$ of a examples $S$ is the maximum $\gamma_w$ over all linear seps $w$
Mistake Bound
Theorem: If data linearly separable by margin $\gamma$ and points inside a ball of radius $𝑅$, then Perceptron makes $≤ 𝑅/\gamma^2$ mistakes.
Directly optimize for the maximum margin separator:
- Input: $S=\lbrace(x_1,y_1),\dots,(x_m,y_m)\rbrace$
- Maximize $\gamma$ under:
- $||w||^2 = 1$
- $\forall i, y_iw\cdot x_i\geq \gamma$
让 $w’ = \frac{w}{\gamma}$,把优化问题转化成凸问题:
- Maximize $||w’||^2$ under $\forall i, y_iw’\cdot x_i\geq 1$
- If data isn’t perfectly linearly separable?
- Replace “# mistakes” with upper bound called “hinge loss”
- Minimize $||w||^2+C\sum_i\xi_i$ s.t. $\forall i, y_iw\cdot x_i\geq 1-\xi_i, \xi_i \geq 0$
Lagrangian Dual of SVMs
$K(⋅,⋅)$ is a kernel if it can be viewed as a legal definition of inner product:
\exists \phi:X\rightarrow \mathbb R^N,\text{ s.t. }K(x,z)=\phi(x)\cdot\phi(z)
Theorem (Mercer)
K is a kernel if and only if:
- K is symmetric
- For any set of training points $𝑥_1, 𝑥_2, … , 𝑥_𝑚$ and for any $𝑎_1, 𝑎_2, … , 𝑎_𝑚 ∈ \mathbb R$, we have:
\sum_{i,j}a_ia_jK(x_i,x_j)\geq 0\
a^TKa\geq 0
I.e., $K=(K(x_i,x_j))_{i,j = 1,…,n}$ is positive semi-definite
- Linear: $K(x,z)=x\cdot z$
- Polynomial: $K(x,z)=(x\cdot z)^2$ or $K(x,z)=(1+x\cdot z)^d$
- Gaussian: $K(x,z)=\exp\left[-\frac{||x-z||^2}{2\sigma^2}\right]$
- Laplace: $K(x,z)=\exp\left[-\frac{||x-z||}{2\sigma^2}\right]$
If $Y=\sigma(X)$, then:
\frac{\partial L}{\partial X}=\frac{\partial L}{\partial Y}\odot \sigma’(x)
Where $\odot$ means element-wise product
BP2 & 3 & 4
If $Y=W\cdot X+B$
\frac{\partial L}{\partial X}=W^T\cdot \frac{\partial L}{\partial Y}
\frac{\partial L}{\partial B}=\frac{\partial L}{\partial Y}
\frac{\partial L}{\partial W}=\frac{\partial L}{\partial Y}\cdot X^T
考虑: $y_i = w_{i1}x_1+w_{i2}x_2+\cdots+w_{in}x_n + b_i$
\frac{\partial y_i}{\partial w_{ij}}=x_j,\quad \frac{\partial y_i}{\partial x_j}=w_{ij},\quad \frac{\partial y_i}{\partial b_i} = 1
If $X=[x_1,\cdots, x_n], Y=\text{SoftMax}(X)=[y_1,\cdots, y_n]$
Thus $\displaystyle y_i = \frac{e^{x_i}}{\sum_{j=1}^ne^{x_i}}$ and obviously $\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n y_i = 1$
Thus we have:
\frac{\partial y_i}{\partial x_j}=\begin{cases}y_i(1-y_i),&i=j\-y_iy_j,&u\neq j\end{cases}
It’s equal to:
\frac{\partial Y}{\partial X}=\text{diag}(Y)-Y^TY
We have $\sigma(x)=\text{sigmoid}(x)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}$
Softmax with 交叉熵:
L=-\sum_k \hat y_k\log y_k
We have:
\frac{\partial L}{\partial X} = Y-\hat Y
We have $\displaystyle\tau(x)=\tanh(x)=\frac{e^x-e^{-x}}{e^x+e^{-x}}$
Dimension Reduction: PCA
Denoted that $v_1,\dots, v_d$ are the d principal components, $v_i\cdot v_j = \begin{cases}1,&i=j\0,&i\neq j\end{cases}$
Let $X=[x_1,\dots,x_n]$ (Columns are the datapoints)
Maximizes sample variance of projected data
\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n(\mathbf v^Tx_i)^2=\mathbf v^T\mathbf X\mathbf X^T\mathbf v\text{ s.t. }\mathbf v^T\mathbf v = 1
Lagrangian: $\argmax_{\mathbf v}\mathbf v^T \mathbf X\mathbf X^T\mathbf v-\lambda \mathbf v^T\mathbf v$
We finally have $(\mathbf X\mathbf X^T -\lambda\mathbf I)\mathbf v=0$, $(\mathbf X \mathbf X^T)\mathbf v = \lambda \mathbf v$
- The eigenvalue $\lambda$ denotes the amount of variability captured along that dimension (aka amount of energy along that dimension).
- Zero eigenvalues indicate no variability along those directions $\Rightarrow$ data lies exactly on a linear subspace
- Only keep data projections onto principal components with non-zero eigenvalues, say $v_1, … , v_k$, where $k=\text{rank}(\mathbf X\mathbf X^T)$
Clustering: KMeans
- Given a sample $\mathcal X=\lbrace\mathbf x^t\rbrace_{t=1}^N$
- Find $k$ reference vectors $\mathbf m_j$ which best represent the data
Each data point $\mathbf x^t$ is represented by the index $i$ **of the nearest reference vector $i=\argmin_j||\mathbf x^t-\mathbf m_j||$
We can use labels $\mathbf b^t$ for $\mathbf x^t$ as:
b_i^t=\begin{cases}1&\text{if }i=\argmin_j||\mathbf x^t-\mathbf m_j||\
The Total Reconstruction Error:
E(\lbrace\mathbf n_i\rbrace_{i=1}^k|\mathcal X)=\sum_t\sum_ib_i^t||\mathbf x^t-\mathbf m_i||^t
$$\argmin_{\lbrace\mathbf{m}i\rbrace{i=1}^k,\lbrace\mathbf{b}^t\rbrace_{t=1}^N}\sum_t\sum_i b_{i}^{t}||\mathbf{x}^t-\mathbf{m}_i||^2\quad$$
However, since $b_i$ also depends on $\mathbf m_i$ , the optimization problem cannot be solved analytically, but iteratively
Gradient Descent
Basic Problem
\argmin_{x\in\mathbb R^n}f(x)
Iteration: $x^{r+1}=x^r-\gamma_r\cdot\nabla f(x^r)$
f(\lambda(x)+(1-\lambda)y)\leq \lambda f(x)+(1-\lambda)f(y)\
f(x)\geq f(y)+\nabla f(y)^T(x-y)\
\nabla^2f(x)\geq 0
||\nabla f(x)-\nabla f(y)||\leq L||x-y||
Descemdent Lemma
|f(x)-f(y)-\nabla f(y)^T(x-y)|\leq \frac{L}{2}||x-y||^2
If $f$ twice-differentiable, L-smooth $\Leftrightarrow$ $\nabla^2f(x)\leq LI, \quad\mathbf d^T\nabla^2 f(x)\mathbf d\preceq L||\mathbf d||^2,\forall \mathbf d$
Convergence Analysis
Optimality measure $M(x^r)$
- Convex: $||x^r-x^*||$ or $f(x^r)-f^*$
- Non-convex: $||\nabla f(x^r)||$
Order of convergence $q$ s.t.
\sup\bigg\lbraceq\big| \lim_{r\rightarrow+\infty}\frac{M(x^{r+1})}{M(x^r)^q}<\infty
- $q=1$ : Linear convergence, $q=2$ : quadratic
Rate of Convergence: Given $q$ ,
- Sublinear: $\text{Rate} = 1$, Superlinear: $\text{Rate} = 0$
Convergence under Convexity
Convergence under Smoothness
Convexity & Smoothness
Upper & Lower Bound
$\mu$-Strong Convexity
f(x)\geq f(y)+\nabla f(y)^T(x-y)+\frac{\mu}{2}||x-y||_2^2
f(x)\leq f(y)+\nabla f(y)^T(x-y)+\frac{L}{2}||x-y||^2
\nabla f(x^r)^T(x^r-x^*)\geq f(x^r)-f^*_\frac{\mu}{2}||x^r-x^*||
f(x^{r+1})\leq f(x^r)-\frac{r}{2}||\nabla f(x^r)||^2
Original Function
Minimize $f_0(x)$ with optimal $p^*$ subject to $f_i(x)\leq 0, i = 1,…,m$
We have $L(x,\lambda) = f_0(x)+\lambda_1f_1(x)+\cdots+\lambda_mf_m(x)$
Dual Function
Lower Bound Property: if $\lambda\geq 0$ and $x$ are primal feasible:
g(\lambda)\leq f_0(x)
Dual Problem
Maximize $g(\lambda)$ with optimal $d^*$ subject to $\lambda\geq 0$
We have: $d^\leq p^$ , denoted that $p^*-d^*$ the optimal dual gap.
The Convec Problem have $p^*=d^*$
KKT Optimal Condition
$f_i(x^*)\leq 0$ | Primal Feasible |
$\lambda_i^*\geq 0$ | Dual Feasible |
$\lambda_i^f_i(x_i^)=0$ | Complementary |
$\nabla f_0(x^*)+\Sigma\lambda_i^\nabla f_i(x^)=0$ | Stationary |
Equality Constraints
Minimize $f_0(x)$ subject to $f_i(x)\leq 0, i = 1,…,m$ and $h_i(x)=0,i = 1,…,p$
We have $L(x,\lambda,v)=f_0(x)+\sum \lambda_i f_i(x)+\sum v_ih_i(x)$
- Dual Function: $g(\lambda, v)=\inf_x(L(x,\lambda,v))$
- Dual Problem: Maximize $g(\lambda, v)$ subject to $\lambda\geq 0$
$f_i(x^*)\leq 0, h_i(x^*)=0$ | Primal Feasible |
$\lambda_i^*\geq 0$ | Dual Feasible |
$\lambda_i^f_i(x_i^)=0$ | Complementary |
$\nabla f_0(x^*)+\sum\lambda_i^\nabla f_i(x^)+\sum v_i^\nabla h_i(x^)=0$ | Stationary |